Connected Planet have been working in partnership with Semadep Foundation in the Mara Region of Kenya, since 2021. This project started with a field trip into the Maasai Mara National Reserve for 50 children of Semadep School - a school that is located around 3km from Sekenani Gate - and has now blossomed into conservation clubs at three schools. We are proud to fund the work of local field guide and environmental educator, Sopia Luka, and he currently delivers weekly conservation club sessions at Semadep School, Sekenani School and Olochura School. In addition to the lessons, field trips into the Mara and local conservation centres are arranged throughout the year to give the children a chance to connect with wildlife first-hand, whilst learning the importance of protecting it. For many, it is their first chance to visit the world famous wildlife reserve on their doorstep.

Human populations in the Mara are rising rapidly, which has resulted in an increase in the number of cases of human-wildlife conflict. A herd of elephants can destroy a farmers crops in one night, whilst livestock can often fall victim to predation by wildlife such as lions or leopards. When events like this happen, farmers sometimes seek revenge, spearing or poisoning wildlife that can result in the death of that animal.
We believe that education, and connection to wildlife from an early age, is vital if humans and wildlife are to live harmoniously for generations to come. Seeing an elephant whilst on a game viewer, and learning why this animal is so important for the Mara Ecosystem, gives a completely different perspective. By providing opportunities for communities to connect with the wildlife they live alongside, we hope to inspire the next generation of conservationists in the Mara.
Conservation Clubs at three schools within the Mara Region of Kenya, all receiving weekly lessons on a range of topics from species conservation, through to plastic pollution and climate change. ​
Immersive field trips throughout the year so that children can experience wildlife first hand and build a connection to it that will last a lifetime.
Local litter picks to ensure a safer and cleaner environment for both people, livestock and wildlife.
Local schools part of our Ubuntu partnership programme that partners schools in the UK with schools across Africa.
In addition to the conservation clubs, Connected Planet have recently launched our Women in the Wild programme that aims to provide opportunities for local women who almost never get the chance to visit their local wildlife reserves, to experience a safari. As well as connecting with iconic wildlife such as leopards, cheetahs and elephants, the women also get to learn about the importance of protecting such wildlife. You can learn more about these game drives here.
You can support Project Mara today by donating to Connected Planet so that we can not only keep these clubs alive, but also grow them. The more young people are passionate about conservation, the more chance we have of protecting wildlife for generations to come.